I would like everyone to share with us in this topic, what is changed in your career or job after getting MLIS degree. I will start from myself.
After working in Libraries Department at MOE for 12 years, I left the department and I'm working now in "Information Center" – a technical department – why? The following is what happened to me.
After getting my MLIS degree it suppose by legislation I get a (25 KD) increase on salary as a bonus (علاوة) for anyone hold a master degree, but in our ministry they didn't accept my degree or the effort I did. They told me since your bachelor is not in education field, therefore it is like you did nothing with your master degree. Then they put in front of me a list of statutes and laws from the Civil Service Committees, anyway I didn't want to argue much about it, since it is only 25 KD.
Then after a while of accepting the new situation , we had a vacancy in our work for a position of "The cataloging head division". I have all the needed requirement for this position, so I put up my name, and no one at work else has a chance like me, as a master degree and the years of experience. So I was the one who will get this position.
In the middle of processing my papers , I stopped and cancelled everything at one point. The ministry told me: " if you accept the new position your job title (Programmer Developer) will changed, and that means you will lose all your computer bounces!!"
Now what does that mean? Well, if I add all the bounces I will receive from the new position plus the master, all that will not reach the bounce I receive from my bachelor in computer!! Odd, right!!
Master degree bonus = 25 KD
Librarian's bonus = 60 KD
Supervision's bonus = 10 KD
Well after hearing that I took back my papers, and told my boss, I don't want the new position, Thank you.
Now imagine with me what will be my situation after 5 or 10 years, any new employee who graduate with a bachelor degree in library can be a candidate to be in supervision position as (رئيس قسم ) , (مراقب) , (مدير) and he had less degree than me and less years of experience of work. It is like I'm burying myself if I stay more in that place. It was very clear to me that there is no future there, so I left.
Anyway, I'm working now in "Information Center", and by the way the Counsel of Ministers (مجلس الوزراء) agreed lately – in September - to give more bounce for employees who hold a degree in Computer.
Now lets hear from you, what happened to you?