A Web gathering created on 22nd, September, 2005 for LIS (Library and Information Science) professionals, specialists and students.

الجمعة، ديسمبر 23، 2005

Shocking News

Some news shocked me the other day and I would like to share it with my dear collogues. A few days ago, I was invited for an interview to work at one of the Kuwait university libraries. After having some conversation I was told, “If you are accepted to work at one of these libraries, your MA will not be considered and you would be hired according to your BA. Moreover, since your BA is not in Library and Information Science, you will not be entitled to a librarian position and its benefits. You will assume the responsibilities of an MA holder librarian while having an administrative title- and of course with a lower salary.” Any comments!?

هناك 5 تعليقات:

haya يقول...

i am sorry that your shocked but my previous boss who had a degree of MLIS and because she was foreigner they did concider her in adminstrative level, as employer and not as librarian. so there is some kind of discrimination, but with the university, in other fields like one of the administrative staff who is Kuwaiti, and isn't a secetary, was mentioned as a secetary, because they didn't have salary post for administrative at the time, or have names like coordinator, employee, whatever to go along with her degree.

Anahita يقول...

Thank you both for giving me information and in reply to Franco's question, I am not a Kuwaiti.

AlyaaF يقول...

Dear Ana,
I am Kuwaiti, and I faced the same situation as yours in Kuwait University!
Not only in the library but also in the other departments.
When I visited one of the places they asked me a funny question. they said: your Bachelor is in Geology and your master in Libraries! They have nothing to do with each other!!!
Don't be shoked my dear we are all on the same track:)

مستخدم يقول...

Dear Prof. Sajjad

May I add another story happened to me. I post it here:

What changed in your career after MLIS?

I don't know what should be done to make our MLIS recognize!!

Kelvin يقول...

Kia Ora (Hello) from New Zealand. i would of told them to put their libary book, where the "sun don't shine" & walked out !!!