A Web gathering created on 22nd, September, 2005 for LIS (Library and Information Science) professionals, specialists and students.
الاثنين، نوفمبر 27، 2006
Kuwaiti-British Poetry Evening in Al-Babtain Central Library
Al-Babtain Central Library for Arabic Poetry has organized a collaborative poetry evening with the British Embassy in Kuwait. The groups were hosted in the diwaniya in the library building and mixed and shared a love of their language and poetry. Both groups wanted to learn from each other the poetic heritage they share. In fact the evening showed that we have more in common than that which divides us.
Kuwaiti Poets who participated in the event were: famous poet Mr. Yaqoub Al-Rushaid, Mr. Ibrahim Al-Khaldi, Mrs Thuraya Al-Baqsami, Mr. Mohammad Al-Moghrabi, Miss Hawraa Al-Habib and the talented 13 years old Al-Zaina Shams. Performers from the British side were Miss Stephanie Fayerman who has been a professional actress since the early 1980’s. She trained at the London Academy of Dramatic Art and has appeared in many Theatrical and screen roles since, the wife of the British Ambassador Mrs. Sibella laing, Mrs. Joanne de Lange, Mr. Matthew van Grutten, Mr. Paul Harradine, Mr. Des Norton, Mr. Tom Harradine.
Guests have performed poems on six themes– Love, Children, War, Britain (country), Death and Comedy.
The evening started with a heartfelt welcome from the library director Mrs Suad Al Ateeqi and then Asma Jamal the information specialist in the library has presented the poets and launched the evening.
الأحد، نوفمبر 26، 2006
Short Course on Knowledge Management. Register Now
As you know that Department of Library and Information Science is conducting a 3-day short course on Knowledge Management Competencies for Information Professionals on 28-30 November 2006. The course will be held in the College of Social Sciences, Al-Shuwaikh, Room 113 (Training room), ground floor. There will be two sessions every day; one in the morning 9-12, and the second one in the afternoon from 1 to 4 pm.
We have adequate registration for the course. However, some colleagues have been keen to find out if they can attend the course for one or two days. Since we have some openings, we have reached an agreement with the Training Unit that we may prorate the registration charge and it will be KD 50.000 for one day and100.000 for two days.
The payment is only accepted in the name of Kuwait University. Cash payments are not accepted. If someone has approval of the department, one may bring it along and the university may bill the organization later.
I would like to give you short course program, which may help you in planning your attendance of selective session/s.
1. 28 Nov. (morning) Fundamental concepts, technological support and roles and responsibilities of information professionals Sajjad
2. 28 Nov. (afternoon) Knowledge sharing concepts and applications Dr. Laila Marouf
3. 29 Nov. (morning) KM implementation, organizational readiness assessment Dr. Abdus Sattar Chaudhry
4. 29 Nov. (afternoon) Identifying knowledge assets in organizations Dr. Shaheen Majid
5. 30th Nov. ( morning) Environmental scanning for surveying external knowledge Dr. Shaeen Majid
6. 30th Nov (afternoon) Knowledge architecture for storing and organizing knowledge Dr. Abdus Sattar Chaudhry
If any of you is interested, please contact me. Sajjad
ShortCourse.pdf |
Hosted by eSnips |
Sajjad ur Rehman, Ph.D.
Professor & Director, MLIS Program
Department of Library and Information Science, College of Social Sciences
P.O. Box 5969, Safat 13060, Kuwait
Phone: +965 498 4242
Fax: +965 484 0718
email: rehman05@gmail.com
السبت، نوفمبر 11، 2006
Digital Pics 'Read' by Computer
Tracy Staedter, Discovery News
Nov. 9, 2006
"A computer able to label digital images in real time, as they are uploaded to the Internet, could greatly improve a photographer's ability to share, organize and retrieve images....."
to read full story click Here
الاثنين، نوفمبر 06، 2006
Upcoming Events by DLIS
Dear colleagues
As part of our 10th Anniversary Celebration Program, we are organizing two major events of a short course on KM competencies for information professionals (November 28-30) and a symposium on information education in the Arabain Gulf region (14 March 2007). Brochures of the two programs are provided below. I personally encourage that each of you spreads a word about these events among your friends and any organizations that might be interested in them. At the same time, I expect that each of you actively participates in these events in whatever capacity it is possible.
Wishing you all the best
Sajjad ur Rehman, Ph.D.
Professor & Director, MLIS Program
Department of Library and Information Science, College of Social Sciences
ShortCourse.pdf |
Hosted by eSnips |
Symposium Brochure... |
Hosted by eSnips |
الخميس، نوفمبر 02، 2006
DLIS Opening Ceremony
The department of Library and Information Science at Kuwait University has celebrated 10 years of its MLIS program last Tuesday. The celebration started with speeches by
- Dr. Yaqoub Al-Kandari, Dean for the College of Social Sciences
- Dr. Samir Hamade, Chairman of the Department
- Prof. Sajjad ur Rehman, Program Director
- Dr. Taghreed Al-Qudsi, Founding Program Director and Founding Chairperson
Awards were distributed to deans, professors, administrative staff, contributing institutions and newspapers, and to everybody contributed toward the success of the event and the development of this program. A short movie showing some department events and memories was viewed. At the end, guests were invited to a reception were they had the opportunity to communicate and share their ideas in a social and friendly atmosphere.
Check the news in the local newspapers