A Web gathering created on 22nd, September, 2005 for LIS (Library and Information Science) professionals, specialists and students.

الاثنين، نوفمبر 06، 2006

Upcoming Events by DLIS

Dear colleagues

As part of our 10th Anniversary Celebration Program, we are organizing two major events of a short course on KM competencies for information professionals (November 28-30) and a symposium on information education in the Arabain Gulf region (14 March 2007). Brochures of the two programs are provided below. I personally encourage that each of you spreads a word about these events among your friends and any organizations that might be interested in them. At the same time, I expect that each of you actively participates in these events in whatever capacity it is possible.

Wishing you all the best

Sajjad ur Rehman, Ph.D.

Professor & Director, MLIS Program

Department of Library and Information Science, College of Social Sciences

Hosted by eSnips

Symposium Brochure
Symposium Brochure...
Hosted by eSnips

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