What gives a professions its distinctive nature is its service orientation which necessities intensive training, continued education, and a sincere adherence to a code of ethics.
Although entry to our professions is not as strict as other professions such as medicine or law or engineering, yet there is a wide spreading awareness about the importance of a degree in LIS before entering the field.
The adherence to the code of ethics is exemplified by the oath that professionals take upon graduation, so since LIS is a professions, why not see an oath taken by our graduates?
Do you think?
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Interesting Topic
The swearing of the oath would reflect our responsibility and commitment to the public/society. It would help in defining our goals as well. however, I see that it is somehow a controversial issue. What do you think an oath for librarians should contain? Special care should be given to the proposed wording since there is lack of agreement regarding certain issues in the field such as open access, dissemination of information, censorship...etc. Also, ethics and values may differ from one society/individual to another.
Personally I can't give a clear unswer whether to have or not to have an oath for information specialists since it depends on many factors.
Dear Asma,
Thanks for your comment.
Well, I think it's practical to start with things that receive consensus and try to delay things related to open-access and censorship since these things are bound with legal rules to which we can not do anything.
We can concentrate on issues related to work ethics, service, and integrity.
Here is the ALA Code of Ethics, with some changes it will work fine:
الأخ ناصر،
شكرا جزيلا على مرورك.
بالفعل، إدراكنا لدور مهنة ومهنيّة الإمداد المعلوماتي متدنٍ جدا.
حقيقة، لست أرى تعارضا بين الشريعة الإسلامية والقسَم؛ فلنعتبره عقدا شفهيا يوّقعه الخريج لدخول مجال العمل والعقد
شريعة المتعاقدين.
في المرحلة الحالية لست أرى أيه عقوبات لأن العقوبات تستلزم خطوات قانونية لن تتم إلا بوجود الوعي بمهنيتنا، لكن في
أسوأ السيناريوهات، يكون التزاما أخلاقيا يفيد في إعطاء الداخل إلى المهنة إدراكا ومسؤولية أخلاقية مبكرين.
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