A Web gathering created on 22nd, September, 2005 for LIS (Library and Information Science) professionals, specialists and students.

الأربعاء، أكتوبر 12، 2005

DLIS or DIS ? which one is better?

Hello all,,,

Since I've joined the MLIS program, I've been learning a lot about information in areas as storage, retrieval, technology, management, classification, use, and many other things which I am sure all of you have experienced...
and I believe that such knowledge is not limited to the profession related to libraries. I think that in today's working environment, such knowledge and skills are required in all kind of organizations.

This is why I think it would be better if the name of the program and the department is changed by removing the word library, not that I have anything against libraries or librarians, but I think that such word limits our profession to a building or a place, and unfortunately it doesn't serve well to promote our selves as information specialists… The sad reality is that the general idea people have about librarians does not represent who we are and the things we can do… every time I tell someone about the program, I have to clarify and explain more for them to understand that what we study is not necessarily related to libraries. And I know that many library schools and departments all around the world did change their names because they realized that what they teach is not limited to libraries.

So, let's hear what you think about this issue?

هناك 6 تعليقات:

مستخدم يقول...

I think what Brother hesham is calling out describe a profound feeling of shyness of the word "Libraries" inside many people , some of MLIS student when they asked what is their degree about they say it is "Master in Information Science" and concealed the word "Libraries". Do you do that?

I don't think there is capability to cancel the world "libraries", because our profession know internationality as MLIS, and there - outside or 3rd world - the libraries are highly regarded and valuable (ie. Library of Congress / Universities libraries) , except in our 3rd world a librarian image is like a gatekeeper.

I think if we show people how much we know – that they don't - this will only change MLIS image. Don't we live in the information era?

Asma يقول...

I agree with Hesham in that we're sometimes misvalued because of the image that this title reflects in the eyes of simple-minded people. The point is which title serves better in promoting ourselves as information professionals and which one is broader than the other?.

As Yaqoub said, Libraries have prestigious image in the West/US. But do our libraries have the same image? If not, why do you think? And what are we going to do to improve this image?. Ok, we will start with our kids. But believe me, till our kids learn the importance of libraries, these traditional libraries will fade out & will be replaced with their digital counterparts!. Is this title going to promote us better in the era of digitization and the proliferation of digital libraries.

Finally, I agree with my colleagues that it's not easy to change the title since people always resist change, besides the fact that most of our courses are rooted to library issues.

Dr. Hesham Alsarhan يقول...

I'd like to thank you for your responses,,, yet, I wish others ( including faculty members) to state their opinions too...

I just like to clarify one thing regarding this issue...

My main concern is not about the shyness of the profession or the word library in our society, this is a cultural matter caused by many reasons which are not related to the main issue..
I think what really matter is the problem of limitation... I believe that everybody would agree that the applications of this discipline and the subjects in this program are not limited to libraries... So, why put limits?
Even if all courses are rooted to libraries... at the current time (Information Era) and because of the technology, our discipline is required and used in all type of organizations. And it can be included under the umbrella of information science (IS)... Developed countries have realized that the role of this discipline have changed,,, haven't they change the name of professionals from librarians to information specialists!!. Along with many departments and schools which changed their names too… and I am sure the rest who haven't change their names yet, they would do so.

I believe that we have to face reality and coop with the change occurring in our discipline and be leaders in this change,,, why should we be part of resisting the changes and wait to be behind everybody else…

Just to compare with other disciplines,,, as examples. Would it be right to say.. I have a degree in Hospital and Medical Science!!!….. Banks and Finance Science!!! Or Schools and Education Science..!!!…. Think about it …

The only other discipline which I know is named after a place is Pharmacy, and I hope they change their name too

Asma يقول...

True "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail"(Ralph Waldo Emerson).
Why don't we just try to accommodate to change instead of resisting

AlyaaF يقول...

I have ben thinking about this topic since a long time. it's an important issue that has 2 b set officially. I have read my friends opinions about the issue. I agree with some of them and dis agree with others.
I think that changing the name won't affect our ideas toward libraries, because there are alot of disciplines changing their names into broader ones, because developments occur and knowledge base is getting wider, for ex: geology department was changed into dep. of earth and environmental sciences. this change in terminology didn't change ideas in geology it just gave us a broader understanding of what it covers.
getting back 2 our discipline, if we used the term IS it won't change our feelings and respect toward libraries. It will just inform other people of the different aspects that our specialization covers.
something else was mentioned is that are we shy of using the word library?
No, I think that if they were shy, they wouldn't enter the program , attend classes and graduate!
Yes, we have a problem in our society, which is our image. I think that people in our society have something that I call it "an unclear image". Why? Because they are not seeing a real info professional and librarian who's seeking information and have good understanding of his duties. they r facing SOME people who claim that they are librarians and don't do any thing accept chatting and driking coffee. Unfortunately, those people are not minorities, they represent a (...) percentage of our librarians.
Our duty now is 2 change this image that was created by others. Of course this needs hard work and patience in order 2 reach 2 an acceptable point.

Hayat Alyaqout يقول...

Assalaamu 'alaykum everybody,

Well, if those nations that do not suffer from the image problem and that have cultures that are way more progressive than ours with regard to libraries decided to change the name of many LIS programs, then I think, we -less privileged nations in terms of library image- do need a change the name in addition to the orientation, they both go hand-in-hand. A change in the name is necessary because it reflects the change of orientation of information provision as a service-based profession that has a code of ethics and that required continued education and that is never intimidated by technology but rather thrives because of it.

Libraries have been a form , of information provision for a very long time, yet they are not the one and only form. Mind you that I work now as a librarian, so I don't have that sense of inferiority, but the development is so fast, and we need to be smart and choose the best means to achieve our end and I think changing the name and launching a well-panned media campaign is a well-justified means for a noble cause.

By the way, the College for Women in Kuwait University have a department of information science: http://www.cfw.kuniv.edu/dep/ISC/main/isc-main.html
Their orientation is strongly towards I.T., I think that our master's program should have several tracks: Information technology, knowledge management, management of information centres… etc so that each student can choose a focus area in the elective courses that matches his/her interests, capabilities and aspirations.