A Web gathering created on 22nd, September, 2005 for LIS (Library and Information Science) professionals, specialists and students.

الأربعاء، سبتمبر 28، 2005


سلام عليكم
الاخوه و الاخوات
سيعقد مؤتمر تابع للامانه العامه للاوقاف
سيناقش مكنز علوم الوقف الذي تم انشاؤه من قبل الامانه العامه للاوقاف و الذي يضم اهم المصطلحات التابعه لعلوم الوقف
سيكون في الفتره من بداية شهر اكتوبر

الاثنين، سبتمبر 26، 2005

Dear Members

Make sure you read the comments under each post. Somebody might be addressing you.
For those who are still students, please notify us about the latest events and news of LIS department
For any help regarding the use of this blog, please visit

الجمعة، سبتمبر 23، 2005


  1. Only MLIS holders & students are eligible for the membership of this blog, Others can only comment on our posts.
  2. Members should use their real names, otherwise their membership will not be accepted.
  3. Any post that seems to be inappropriate shall be deleted from the blog.
  4. Do not replay, answer or comment on a post with another post. It would be more logical to click on the comment link as long as you are targeting the same topic.
  5. Do not use vulgar language, unwanted photos...etc. otherwise your membership will be deleted without prior notice.
  6. Do not use our blog to share assignments....Its not the place for plagiarism!
  7. Please respect the privacy of others. Do not mention things which seem to be private in your posts (i,e a member's e-mail or personal information).
  8. Those who would like to be members of our blog shall e-mail me at MLIS_cafe@hotmail.com
  9. Suggestions and comments are welcomed as well at the e-mail mentioned above.

الخميس، سبتمبر 22، 2005


I'd like to urge all MLIS holders and students in Kuwait to become members of this blog. It will be the place where we can share our thoughts, experiences and concerns. Let your voice be heard by others who have the same interests and educational background.
You can contribute by posting interesting articles, discussing latest issues, commenting on expressive photos and sharing your favorite links and online resources.